We are members of Fuse Commercial Flooring Alliance. Our offerings include Certified Pre-owned Modular Carpet, Reclamation, Sample Collection, and the use of EkoBox Adhesives. Our goal: to eliminate waste from landfills.
Eliminate waste going to landfills
Through Ecollect™, we promote sustainable business practices throughout our organization taking a holistic approach to the environment and our goal of sustainability. Methods to reduce and eliminate waste and other non-value added processes that impact our environment are considered throughout all projects. Once on the floor, Franklin Flooring focuses on methods to extend the life of your investment through a variety of flooring services.
At the end of the product's useful life, we provide carpet reclamation services. We understand the various processes for reclaiming product based on its economical and environmental impact and recommend the most effective and sustainable process for reclaiming your material - i.e. recycling, "down-cycling" or re-purposing. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
We have helped divert over 13 million pounds of carpet from landfills as Ecollect™ participants.
Learn more about the efforts of the Fuse Commercial Flooring Alliance to reduce and eliminate waste and other non-value added processes that impact our environment.